Daily SMACKDOWN 07/09/10

The Return of the Crusaders - 4/5 - by GlobalJihadMedia7

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If you have time, why not pick a few?

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Daily SMACKDOWN 07/08/10

Why do we wage Jihad? - 2/2 - by GlobalJihadMedia7
Make sure to let YouTube know this video flies an al-qaeda flag in the top left corner and the guy in the mask with the assault rifle is explaining the importance of waging violent jihad against non-muslims. At 2:43 the transcript specifically says: "we incite the umma (islamic nation) to fight the crusaders and subdue the apostates" and at 3:30 the transcript says, "so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes". It goes on and on.

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Here is some fresh e-hadi meat to SMACK DOWN!

If you have time, why not pick a few?

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Daily SMACKDOWN 07/07/10

Ahmed al Ghamdi Last will of 9 11 hijacker - by soldieroftawheed
Since they won't figure it out on their own, make sure to mention to YouTube this video is a last will and testament for one of the 9-11 hijackers and is a celebration of his suicide in the attack on the twin towers.

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Here is some fresh e-hadi meat to SMACK DOWN!

If you have time, why not pick a few?

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Daily SMACKDOWN 07/03/10

Beginning of the end, O descendants of monkeys, 4-1 - by alanssari100

Make sure to let YouTube know this user is linking terrorist forums in the information section of his videos. Maybe he should be suspended, eh?

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Here is some fresh e-hadi meat to SMACK DOWN!

If you have time, why not pick a few?

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